Kawasaki Water Business Network FY2020 General Assembly.
- 総会

The Kawasaki Water Business Network (KaWaBiz NET) held the Kawasaki Water Business Network FY2020
General Assembly from July 17th to 29th, 2020. Normally, the General Assembly is held at the Kawasaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry Conference Hall. However, this fiscal year it was held using a paper based format
for the first time to limit the spread of Covid-19. 54 members and 14 supportive organizations participated.
The General Assembly started with a report of activities for FY 2019 followed by a confirmation hearing over
the FY 2020 Agenda. All participating members approved the plan, and agreed to carry out the following four
points therein: 1) support companies attempting to expand abroad, 2) activities abroad (by Kawasaki City), 3)
providing information to members and disseminating information abroad, and 4) other points of discussion
(KaWaBiz NET review implementation and KaWaBiz NET’s website renewal).
Along with the deliberation matters, we heard many opinions concerning KaWaBiz NET. The results were that a
majority of the opinions favored meeting directly instead of the current format for the General Assembly. Next
fiscal year we plan to set up the General Assembly so that members can meet directly while also staying safe
from infections. We also plan on exploring online options.
KaWaBiz NET will continue to function as a public-private networking platform that strives to enhance the
international water environment through achievements in water business.
- 主催
- Kawasaki Water Business Network