Kawasaki Water Business Network FY2021 General Assembly.
- 総会

The Kawasaki Water Business Network (KaWaBiz NET) held the Kawasaki Water Business Network FY2021
General Assembly on Friday, July 2, 2021 at the Kawasaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry Conference
Hall. Due to Covid-19, this year’s Kawasaki Water Business Network General Assembly was carried out using a
hybrid style (online and face-to-face) as a trial for the first time. The event was attended by 83 people (of
which 35 attended online), including Chairman Koizumi (Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Science Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University), Special Advisor Fukuda (Mayor of Kawasaki City), Special Advisor Kusakabe (Chairman of the Kawasaki Chamber of
Commerce), 46 members, 9 supporting organizations and observers.
The General Assembly started with a report on the activities of FY 2020 and a review on FY2015-FY2019 activities, followed by a confirmation hearing among assembly members for the FY2021 agenda covering three
points; 1) support for companies attempting to expand abroad, 2) Kawasaki City’s activities abroad, and 3)
providing information to members as well as disseminating information abroad.
There was a presentation at the conference about the JICA Technical Cooperation Project MaWaSU2 and
Laos’ overall situation given by Deputy Manager Masugata from the Kawasaki City Waterworks Bureau, Waterworks Planning Section. He was stationed in Laos until the end of 2020 as a long-term expert. A video message to the members of the assembly was also presented by Laos’ Director-General of the Department of Water Supply at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Mr. Sompong Sithivong. Making use of the merits of
a hybrid assembly, long-term expert Nozawa, who succeeded Masugata in Laos, gave an online report on the
Covid-19 situation and potential of waterworks business in Laos.
KaWaBiz NET will continue to function as a public-private networking platform that strives to enhance the
international water environment through achievements in water business.
- 会場
- In-person and online
- 参加者
- Total 83 persons