

Kawasaki Water Business Network (KaWaBiz NET) hosted “Kawasaki Water Business Network Assembly 2013” [23/Jul/2013]


Kawasaki Water Business Network (KaWaBiz NET) held 2013 Assembly at the conference room of Kawasaki Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Kawasaki City on July 23 (Tue), 2013.

A total of 84 people participated, including Chairman Akira Koizumi, Dr. Eng. (Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University), Mayor Abe of Kawasaki City, and Mr. Yamada (Chairman of the Kawasaki Chamber of Commerce & Industry) as special advisers, 41 members and 11 affiliate organizations.

Activities of the network have been reported by the secretariat for the last one year since the establishment of the network. Activities include public-private joint needs assessment survey to Queensland, support to overseas development assistance projects of small and medium-sized enterprises and the holding a seminar regarding decentralized water/wastewater system based on regional characteristics, etc. Members agreed that, in addition to activities to grasp the needs of the relevant countries and regions, member support for feasibility studies and dissemination of information to overseas countries would also be their future activities.

Director Kato for Watershed Management from the Sewerage and Wastewater Management Department of the Water and Disaster Management Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, gave a lecture entitled, "Water Business Support by the Sewerage and Wastewater Management Department of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport". Two members from NIHON GENRYO Co., Ltd. and Nippon Basic Co., Ltd. gave presentations about water business cases.

KaWaBiz NET is taking initiatives to improve water environments in the world through water businesses while actively accepting feasibility studies after 2014.


  • KaWaBiz NET Assembly 2013
    KaWaBiz NET Assembly 2013
  • Address by Mr. Koizumi, Chairman of KaWaBiz NET
    Address by Mr. Koizumi, Chairman of KaWaBiz NET
  • Activities report of KaWaBiz NET
    Activities report of KaWaBiz NET
  • Lecture by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Mr. Kato, Director for Watershed Management)
    Lecture by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Mr. Kato, Director for Watershed Management)
  • Member presentation (NIHON GENRYO Co., Ltd.)
    Member presentation (NIHON GENRYO Co., Ltd.)
  • Member presentation (Nippon Basic Co., Ltd.)
    Member presentation (Nippon Basic Co., Ltd.)